We connect artists and communities with North Devon finding entertaining and extraordinary ways to explore our land, lives and future.
Arts We work with local promoters to present high quality arts events in rural north Devon. Whether it’s contemporary theatre, music or dance, we ensure the match is right for the community and have a built up a loyal audience established over 50 years working in the region. Moving, enthralling, laugh-out-loud funny – live events are a unique experience every time.
Heritage The Beaford Archive, a photographic record of people in rural North Devon, contains more than 80,000 images by James Ravilious and Roger Deakins. According to the Royal Photographic Society, it is “...a unique body of work, unparalleled, at least in this country, for its scale and quality”.
Environment Rural north Devon is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve - part of a global network of special places inspiring a positive future by connecting people and nature. As proud partners of the Biosphere Reserve we are working with communities to raise awareness of the designation and promote action through projects such as Plastic Free North Devon.
In 2013 we moved from Greenwarren House in Beaford to a central office base in South Molton, from which we manage our programme taking place across 1300 square miles of rural North Devon. The Beaford Archives are kept at the Devon Heritage Centre in Exeter. We work Monday to Friday
Beaford Arts Crown Yealm House, Pathfields Business Park, South Molton EX36 3LH
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beaford.org (1.9k)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beaford (3k)
Instagram: http://instagram.com/_beaford (922)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CgpYsx1ot4T2CdWHZU6Ow
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Lee Abbey is home to a Christian Community that hosts retreats, holidays and conferences on an estate on the dramatic North Devon coast. Individuals, couples, families, small groups and whole churches come to be transformed and renewed by God.
Lee Abbey Lynton EX35 6JJ
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeabbeydevon (6.2k)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leeabbeydevon (1k)
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lee_abbey_devon (1.8k)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLREFvMlQ42YhkXpV5d1wsg (900)
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Founded in 1975, the CDLHS includes a friendly cross section of people from Chulmleigh and the surrounding villages who share an active interest in local history and that of the South West of England.
Our aim is to encourage enthusiasm in local history through an organised and exciting programme of events and outings, and to obtain, preserve and develop a record of the history of this area. This we do through a comprehensive series of archives, lectures, stories, interviews, records and photographs. We have an active and enthusiastic committee, involved in organising events, producing publications, newsletters and hosting tours around Chulmleigh. New ideas are always welcome.
The Society has a winter programme of monthly meetings involving speakers on a variety of topics. These are held from September to March, currently in the Chulmleigh Pavilion on Mondays from 7.30pm. In the summer from April to August we visit various places of historical interest, by coach or car. In September, we also hold our AGM, together with a Social evening with entertainment.
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Devon Wildlife Trust Local Group
From September to April we meet once a month in Barnstaple's Castle Centre for talks given by speakers on a range of conservation issues
An ambitious programme
Our ambitious outdoor programme of wildlife experiences allow the group to enjoy nature first hand. These almost always include a walk of some kind: a mix of easy as well as more strenuous routes, from flat stretches of old railway track, to the moors and valleys of Exmoor, to the challenges of Culm grassland, to the cliffs of Hartland. New members are always welcome to any of our events!
Nature reserves
Uppacott Wood - We hold winter work parties at this lovely reserve just a couple of miles outside Barnstaple, undertaking activities such as coppicing and making clearings to encourage spring flowers and summer butterflies. In the summer we introduce people to the wood with guided walks. Some local group members are voluntary wardens here too.
We undertake activities and warden voluntarily on other local nature reserves: e.g. Swanpool Marsh in Braunton.
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The North Devon and Torridge Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) operate under a single board which encourages a seamless multi-agency approach to localised issues across Northern Devon and a robust working relationship with other statutory and non-statutory agencies in the community.
North Devon and Torridge CSPs consist of numerous partners that each play an active role in setting the agenda and contributing to our evidence-based priorities – each of which is given below.
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Read more: North Devon and Torridge Community Safety Partnership
The Lyn Valley Society developed out of an original Residents Association which was formed in Lynton in the 1990s. At that time Lynton had lost some of its facilities including the Cottage Hospital and Methodist church and the Town Hall was also struggling to find money for its upkeep and refurbishment as a listed building. It needed improvements to its heating system, kitchen and access for people with disabilities. Following a large public meeting the Residents Association was formed and began fund raising by holding coffee mornings, lunches, setting up a Treble Chance Lottery and a Titbits exhibition of local interest relating to George Newnes who had paid for the Town Hall to be built 100 years before. Donations were also received from individuals and local groups and over time sufficient funds were raised to install underfloor heating in the Main Hall, new electrics, a new kitchen, a lift, wheelchair access and a toilet suitable for people with disabities. In addition funds were used to make essential building repairs particularly to the windows and masonry.
The Lyn Valley Society was formed in 2001 by the small group of people left in the Residents Association and continued raising funds for the upkeep of our amazing Town Hall but also to give donations to support local Community Projects. Membership has changed over the years and we are now a small group of 12 members who are all loyal and hard working volunteers. We make decisions on requests for donations at our monthly meetings. Our most recent big project was the total refurbishment of the Jubilee Room in 2017 which has used up most of the original refurbishment funds.
Lyn Valley Society Community Bookshop Town Hall, Lee Road, Lynton EX35 6HT
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LynValleySocietylvs (204)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LYNTONBOOKSHOP (163)
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Look below and around the website for Coastwise activities in North Devon which has some of the most spectacular and varied coastal scenery in the country and wonderful seascapes. The coastal and marine life is amongst the richest in the country.
Wild and unspoiled places are interspersed by coastal communities and popular resorts where livelihoods owe much to the coast and sea.
It is the aim of Coastwise, an independent community initiative, to increase understanding of the coast, its wildlife, and its importance to North Devon in the past, present and the future. We do this through sharing knowledge, undertaking conservation activities and projects, and addressing current issues.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/563739230330790 (539)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoastwiseR (547)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/martinbatt1
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Born in 1575 in the hamlet of Fremington, John Penrose became a successful cloth merchant and in 1620 was the Mayor of Barnstaple. On his death in 1624, his Will provided: “(purchase) some convenient room or place within the borough and parish of Barnstaple, fit to erect an almshouse upon, and in the same being so purchased, should, with part of the same money, erect thereupon such and so many several rooms for an almshouse, as they in their discretion should think fit”
In these times it was not unusual for a wealthy person to make a bequest in memory of their name and this handsome bequeath provided for the poor of the borough of Barnstaple and five mile radius.
The provision was used to purchase reclaimed land fronting the main route from Exeter north of the river Taw and a short distance to the east of the old town walls. On completion this building stood alone, with a long symmetrical frontage intended to be viewed from the river and beyond, and bringing to the attention of travellers who passed by, the benevolence of John Penrose.
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NDAS was established in 1959, and for many years concentrated on providing lectures and visits for members. The society merged with North Devon Rescue, a campaigning organisation which had been instrumental in ensuring proper recording and excavation in the area, particularly during Barnstaple's major redevelopment in the 1980s.
The society continues to lobby and campaign for proper investigation and preservation of North Devon's physical heritage, including, for example, continuing threats against the Braunton Great Field.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/849937505037298/ (479)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArchNDevon
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Plastic Free North Devon is a local environmental charity started by volunteers who want to reduce the impact of plastic pollution on the environment in North Devon and beyond. Our mission is to protect and improve our environment through community-led action to combat plastic pollution.
Our mission is to protect and improve our environment through community-led action to combat plastic pollution.
We aim to achieve this by helping people to recognise the relevance and value of the environment to their lives; to see and experience first-hand the impact of plastic pollution on nature; and to support good choices in purchasing, use and disposal of plastics, as we move to a more sustainable community.
By working with local communities, businesses, organisations and government we aim to:
- Raise awareness of our environment and how it is affected by plastic.
- Reduce the consumption of single-use plastics in North Devon.
- Clear waste plastic from our coasts, waterways, countryside and urban areas.
- Recycle and dispose of used plastics in an appropriate way.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plasticfreenorthdevon/ (5.7k)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/plasticfreend (496)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plasticfreenorthdevon/ (3.9k)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplKnFrODb2BEYGkutfp0aQ
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