The Lyn Valley Society developed out of an original Residents Association which was formed in Lynton in the 1990s. At that time Lynton had lost some of its facilities including the Cottage Hospital and Methodist church and the Town Hall was also struggling to find money for its upkeep and refurbishment as a listed building. It needed improvements to its heating system, kitchen and access for people with disabilities. Following a large public meeting the Residents Association was formed and began fund raising by holding coffee mornings, lunches, setting up a Treble Chance Lottery and a Titbits exhibition of local interest relating to George Newnes who had paid for the Town Hall to be built 100 years before. Donations were also received from individuals and local groups and over time sufficient funds were raised to install underfloor heating in the Main Hall, new electrics, a new kitchen, a lift, wheelchair access and a toilet suitable for people with disabities. In addition funds were used to make essential building repairs particularly to the windows and masonry.
The Lyn Valley Society was formed in 2001 by the small group of people left in the Residents Association and continued raising funds for the upkeep of our amazing Town Hall but also to give donations to support local Community Projects. Membership has changed over the years and we are now a small group of 12 members who are all loyal and hard working volunteers. We make decisions on requests for donations at our monthly meetings. Our most recent big project was the total refurbishment of the Jubilee Room in 2017 which has used up most of the original refurbishment funds.
Lyn Valley Society Community Bookshop Town Hall, Lee Road, Lynton EX35 6HT
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