We are a collective of artists, technologists and academics approaching renewable energy and climate issues through creativity. Our projects help participants and audiences feel excited and connected with energy, help them learn new skills, spend time thinking about energy and sharing great ideas for their communities. Our Moths To A Flame project in partnership with Plymouth Energy Community includes moth watching and a poetry slam by Zoom, an augmented reality moth colouring sheet, illustrated children's book and model moths to be decorated with UV paint. In November 2021 we will take the voice of the South West to Glasgow for the UN climate conference COP26. We welcome everyone to get involved and add their whisper of climate hope... together we can create a roar for change!


Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtAndEnergy/ (380)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurArtAndEnergy (664)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/art_and_energy/ (212)

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