Rothamsted Research is a world-leading, non-profit research centre that focuses on strategic agricultural science to the benefit of farmers and society worldwide.

The North Wyke Farm Platform is a unique national and global research facility that is linked to real-world farming.

In order to feed the growing global population without damaging our planet’s environment, the world needs innovative solutions to unlock the potential of agricultural systems. Supported by UK Research and Innovation, the North Wyke Farm Platform ‘farm lab’ is a large-scale research facility to study the complete flow of nutrients from soil to food, with the clear and distinct aim of making farming a more sustainable endeavour.

The platform is composed of four self-contained farms, each of which is managed under a different operational philosophy. This internationally unique design allows research outputs to be immediately relevant to real-world food producers, and also makes the facility an excellent venue for knowledge exchange events.

Our facility is used by national and international collaborators from a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines, with a particularly strong capability to accommodate studies on pasture-based livestock production systems and optimal land use. We are a founding member of the Global Farm Platform Network, and have recently been recognised by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation as an exemplar research facility. 

Rothamsted Research North Wyke, Okehampton EX20 2SB

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