Dartmoor National Park Authority was created by the Environment Act 1995 to:

  • conserve and enhance Dartmoor National Park’s natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage
  • promote opportunities for the public to understand and enjoy the special qualities of Dartmoor National Park.


Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enjoydartmoor1 (16.3k)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dartmoornpa (18.4k)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovedartmoor/ (14.7k)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DartmoorNPA (1.7k)

Dartmoor Food and Drink Map


We also have a duty to:

  • promote the economic and social wellbeing of local communities in Dartmoor National Park.

We have approximately 90 staff working in five sites across Dartmoor. Our head office is at Parke, where our leadership team is based.

We are governed by 19 members who are appointed by local authorities and central government.

We aim to:

  • help to conserve and enhance the biodiversity, cultural heritage and landscape of Dartmoor
  • provide opportunities for people to enjoy the countryside and contribute to their health and wellbeing
  • support our local communities and the rural economy
  • be an efficient and effective organisation which works with partners to deliver the best outcome for Dartmoor.


The tors of Dartmoor rise above the morning mist. Photo taken from Chulmleigh, Grant Sherman 13/7/2020


Climate Plan March 2020 Non-technical Summary

This carbon action plan has been produced in response to Dartmoor National Park Authority’s (DNPA) declaration of a climate emergency and ambition to be carbon neutral by 2025.

The action plan analyses DNPA’s carbon footprint and found the Authority’s 2018/19 Scope 1 and 2 footprint (i.e. direct emissions from fuel burned and energy used) was 157.1 tonnes CO2e. This is a 51.6% reduction in carbon emission compared to the 2009/10 footprint, 304.7 tonnes CO2e.

More work needs to be done to understand the Authority’s Scope 3 footprint (i.e. indirect emissions from the goods we buy and sell, the services we procure, our investments, waste production, land assets etc.).

Projects to help the Authority reduce its emissions are recommended and their potential emissions savings estimated where possible. Project costs are estimated where sufficient information is available, these are initial costs, based on assumptions and will be liable to change. The below summarises the project areas recommended in the action plan:

Project area Summary 

  • Purchase or generate renewable energy Essential for a significant reduction in emissions and unlocking the benefit of electric vehicles. This will require partnership working.
  • Reduce fuel use Using a variety of methods, including purchasing electric vehicles, promoting travel alternatives and enabling staff to commute sustainably.
  • Ensure efficient buildings and appliances There has been lots of good work in this area already, but opportunities remain to improve our use of buildings and electrical equipment, including reducing our printing.
  • Unknown emissions There are many emissions that the Authority cannot currently measure, more work is needed to close this gap. 
  • Behaviour change Success is reliant on the organisation as a whole working effectively and adjusting their behaviours. 
  • Land assets DNPA has large land assets relative to its size, but we know little about what they sequester or emit. More work is needed to understand this. Early estimations suggest it may be possible to offset the Authority’s emissions through effective management of its land assets. This will be most robust when done in partnership. 

The action plan should be considered an iterative exercise, it is inaccurate in places and it will need to change to respond to new opportunities. A review of the climate action plan is recommended at least every two years.


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