This is a flat, sky-dominated landscape with strong sensory characteristics. The habitats within the mosaic (dunes, beach, saltmarsh, mudflats and farmland) each have unique qualities of pattern, colour and texture which are juxtaposed in different combinations. The salty smell of mudflats and the sea are ever-present, as are the calls of birds. Within the dunes, the landscape feels disorientating, and has a strong sense of enclosure, isolation and wilderness. This contrasts with the open views towards the surrounding settlements, and the time-depth associated with the strip fields at Braunton. The estuary settlements have a strong maritime character, with historic quays and impressive bridges.

This area comprises the estuary of the Taw and Torridge Rivers, and a small margin of land on either side. Northam Burrows and the dune system at Braunton Burrows are also included in the area. This area is distinctive for its flat topography and the dominance of the sea and estuary. To the north are the North Devon Coastal Downs and the North Devon Downs, to the east (beyond Barnstaple) the Codden Hill and Wooded Estates, and to the south the Taw Valley, High Culm Ridges, Torridge Valley and the Bideford Bay Coast. 


Taw Torridge estuary on DCC Environment Viewer 

Information on Devon's environment has been mapped on Devon County Council's Environment Viewer. These maps give access to geographic data for Devon on a wide range of topics.


Planning Strategy

To protect the landscape’s high scenic quality within (or as a setting to) the North Devon Coast AONB, and to sustain its important nature conservation sites and rare historic landscapes. The dune systems and other important habitats within the area are well managed and their resilience to climate change is enhanced. Recreation is encouraged, but a good balance between recreation and conservation is retained. The historic and cultural landscapes of Braunton Great Field and Braunton Marsh are retained in active agricultural use and well managed using traditional techniques. Development in surrounding areas is sensitivity designed and sited to minimise its intrusion into views from the estuary; and the area’s distinctive seascapes are protected.


  • Protect the open character of the estuary and views from and to surrounding landscapes.
  • Protect the open and undeveloped character of Braunton Great Field, ensuring that any limited new development in the area respects the scale and historic character of the landscape.
  • Protect and restore where appropriate historic features such as quays, bridges and agricultural structures (including those of Braunton Marsh and Braunton Great Field); provide sensitive interpretation where appropriate to increase the public’s awareness of these features.
  • Protect the area’s distinctive seascapes and open views across Bideford Bay.

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