This area is made up of a variety of landscape types which together give rise to a distinctive coastal landscape, exposed to salt laden winds and comprising open plateau, dramatic cliff, secretive undercliff, steep wooded combe valleys and river estuary. Here the senses are stimulated by stunning scenery and dramatic landform, lofty remoteness on the plateau tops and contrasting dark secretive inaccessible undercliff and intimate picturesque settled combes. Both the plateau top and estuaries have a strong horizontal emphasis and a sense of space and air while from the cliff tops there are distinctive views out to sea and also along the cliffs. In parts the distinctive coastal cliffs are of chalk and limestone and are unique in a Devon context while to the west the cliffs are red sandstone.
This area comprises a coastal landscape of open plateau, approximately 2-4km wide, which extends between Exmouth in the west and the county boundary with Dorset in the east and which drops, as cliffs, dramatically to the sea to the south. To the north the plateau quickly gives way to a landscape of ridges and valleys, including the East Devon Central Ridge and the Axe Valley.
Planning Strategy
To protect the area’s outstanding coastal scenery including the openness and horizontal emphasis of the coastal plateau and estuary landscapes; the distinctive wooded and pastoral combes and their wildlife interest; and the distinctive character of small settlements. Local communities are involved in planning for future landscape change as a result of sea level rise and changes in coastal erosion, ensuring balance between sea defence and natural processes. Both existing and new development is integrated into its landscape setting and the area’s popularity as a tourist destination is managed to provide further sustainable recreational opportunities whilst ensuring landscape character is managed and strengthened.