Bradninch Together started on 13 March 2020 with an idea from Sophie West and Anthony Richards who connected through Reverend Oliver Mears

Over that initial March weekend Sue Eakers, Luke Taylor and Rev. Olly joined the group and began creating a support service for the local community in response to the Covid 19 pandemic. In May 2020, Sally Livsey and Glenn Roberts joined and brought experience in financial oversight and mental health matters. These were the founding Steering Group.

The geographical area covered by Bradninch Together has been zoned and each zone has coordinators and volunteers, numbering over 120, who provide practical and neighbourly support.   We are also supported by people with specialist skills who are curating the website, creating artwork and advising on technical matters. We communicate widely using leaflets delivered by volunteers to households, local publications, a survey and our website and Facebook pages.

The BradAid fund was created in April 2020 distributing donated monies in small grants. The fund is administered by members of the Steering Group.

On 04 January 2021 Bradninch Together was incorporated as Community Interest Community Company with 6 Directors: Anthony Richards, Sophie West, Sue Eakers, Glenn Roberts, Sally Livsey and Kate Beith; we are the new Steering Group. 

Social Media:

Facebook: (378)

Instagram: (71)

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