The Parish Church of Ashburton, dedicated to St. Andrew, is situated in West Street, just a short walk from the centre of the town. The earliest known records of the Church date back to the 12th Century when John the Chanter, Bishop of Exeter (1186-91) gave it to the Chapter of Exeter Cathedral

In the 14th century, Walter de Stapeldon, Bishop of Exeter (1307-26), Lord Treasurer of the Realm, a trusted servant of King Edward II, hearing of its dilapidated condition, formally visited the Church on April 3rd, 1314 and finding amongst other defects the North Aisle in ruins, ordered these to be remedied on pain of a heavy fine.
Rebuilt in the 15th century the Church has traces of 13th and 14th century remains incorporated in the building. A product of the 15th century mason, impressive in it's stately dignity, grandly proportioned and possessing a strong individuality, the tower rises 92 feet to it's embattled parapet. The tower contains one of the finest peals of eight bells in the district. 

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