Rainshare was established by Dr Sarah Ward from the University of Exeter who is encouraging people to share the rainwater from their roofs.

Do you have a roof? Yes? Then when rainfall hits it you generate runoff.

Do you use your runoff? Yes? Good. No? Then it normally runs into a sewer. Do you know how much a sewer costs to expand or build new? No? Well it’s expensive!

If we can keep runoff out of sewers then it means they will spill less dirty water into rivers & they may last longer too.

RainSharers share the runoff from their roofs so that its entry into sewers is slowed. It also means they save drinking water by using a quality of water that’s more appropriate than highly treated drinking water for a lot of practices (flushing toilets, watering gardens or allotments, washing-down driveways and so on).

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rainshare2015/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RainShare

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