The Devonshire Association (DA) was founded in 1862 and is now an educational charity dedicated to the study and appreciation of all matters relating to the county of Devon in south-west England. It is the only society concerned with every aspect of Devon and is the only one of its kind in Britain.

Our patron is the Dowager Countess of Devon, who helps us to raise the Association’s profile by lending her name to it. The organisation consists of an annually elected President; an Executive Committee; seven regional Branches (Axe Valley, Bideford, East Devon, Exeter, Plymouth, South Devon, and Tavistock); and eight specialist Sections (Botany, Buildings, Entomology, Geology, History, Industrial Archaeology, Literature & Art, and Music).

Each Branch and Section has its own committee and organises its own annual programme of events. Branch programmes are more broadly-based than their specialist counterparts. Over one hundred activities are run each year in all parts of the county – talks, exhibitions, excursions, walks, field trips, symposia, concerts and courses. Major annual events include the Annual Conference, held in a different Devon town each year, and the President’s Symposium.

The most significant record of the Association’s activities is contained in its annual volumes of Transactions which have documented a wide range of research on Devon since 1863. The set of Transactions is the greatest single source of information anywhere about the county – volume 151 will be published late in 2019.

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